
Online Training and Standardization Seminars | UPI Puglia

Online Training and Standardization Seminars | UPI Puglia

📣📣 Take part in the FREE Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project on Zoom! 👉28 September 2021: Training and Standardization Seminars for processing techniques and methodology for the conservation of new products – MEAT INDUSTRY: Zoom Platform 👉...

FREE Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project – Module 4 | UPI Puglia

FREE Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project – Module 4 | UPI Puglia

📣📣 Take part in the FREE Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project on Zoom! 👉 14 September 2021: Module 4 "DIGITAL MARKETING" - MEAT INDUSTRY: 👉 16 September 2021: Module 4 "DIGITAL MARKETING" – DAIRY INDUSTRY: 📆 On Tuesday...

FREE Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project on Zoom | UPI Puglia

FREE Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project on Zoom | UPI Puglia

📣📣 Take part in the FREE Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project on Zoom! 👉 07 September 2021: Module 3 " FROM PROJECT BRANDING TO TERRITORIAL BRANDING: MARKETING TOOLS " - MEAT INDUSTRY: 👉 09 September 2021: Module 3 " FROM PROJECT BRANDING TO...

Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project 27 & 29 July 2021

Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project 27 & 29 July 2021

📣📣 Take part in the FREE Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project on Zoom! 👉 27 July 2021: Module 2 "FROM PROJECT BRANDING TO TERRITORIAL BRANDING" - MEAT INDUSTRY: 👉 29 July 2021: Module 2 " FROM PROJECT BRANDING TO TERRITORIAL BRANDING " –...

Implementation of Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project

✌️ As part of the MeDInno Project, on Friday 16 July 2021, at Castello Stella Caracciolo of Palagianello, UPI Puglia (Regional Union of the Apulian Provinces) organized the second itinerant show cooking, in collaboration with IISS PERRONE of Castellaneta. 👩‍🍳‍🍳🍷 A...

Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project

Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project

📣📣 Take part in the FREE Training Seminars of the MEDINNO project! 👉 13 July 2021: Module 1 "COMPANIES AND TERRITORY" - MEAT INDUSTRY: 👉 15 July 2021: Module 2 "COMPANIES AND TERRITORY" – DAIRY INDUSTRY: 📆 On Tuesday 13...

Έργο συγχρηματοδοτούμενο από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, το Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης (ΕΤΠΑ) και Εθνικούς Πόρους της Ελλάδας και της Ιταλίας.

Καινοτομία & Ανταγωνιστικότητα

Η ιστοσελίδα αυτή έχει παραχθεί με την οικονομική βοήθεια της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Τα περιεχόμενα της ιστοσελίδας αποτελούν αποκλειστική ευθύνη των εταίρων του έργου και δεν μπορούν σε καμία περίπτωση να ληφθούν ότι εκφράζουν τις απόψεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, των συμμετεχουσών χωρών, της Διαχειριστικής Αρχής και της Κοινής Γραμματείας.